Monday, July 27, 2009


Real Estate Marketing is not just about a monthly advert placed beside a property shot!

Whilst most businesses are aware of the benefits of marketing to obtain new clients and maintain current clientele, Jason and Ann-Maree Bond, owners and directors of All Brisbane Realty, truly appreciate the importance of promoting their New Farm Real Estate firm.

In particular, they understand the benefits provided through major client based events that celebrate and continue to maintain strong client and community relationships.

All Brisbane Realty decided to celebrate their second year in the Real Estate business by supporting Diabetes Australia - Queensland via each settled sale between March and July. The Bonds were able to raise a staggering $23,150 for the local charity, presented at a gala charity event for clients, staff and the community.

All Brisbane Realty have invested a great deal of time, money and energy over the past two years in building the business to a world class standard that utilizes the professional services of a marketing company to co-ordinate events, public relations and marketing. These services have in turn, helped them to build their business, profile, and ensured rewarding and lasting partnerships with community based organisations.

Mrs. Bond recently stated in respect to their marketing company Kaw Agency:

Jason and I have extremely high expectations on ourselves and on those working with us. I am pleased to say that the James Bond themed event organized by Kaw Agency was absolutely successful and most definitely met our expectations. The networking, feedback and brand awareness that has resulted from this event clearly demonstrates to us that events should be part of our strategic marketing plan for the company on, at minimum an annual basis, and should budget allow, more frequently.

Marketing strategy is developed at the business unit level. Within a given environment, marketing strategy deals essentially with the interplay of three forces known as the strategic three Cs: the customer, the competition, and the corporation.

Marketing strategies focus on ways in which the corporation can differentiate itself effectively from its competitors, capitalizing on its distinctive strengths to deliver better value to its customers.

A good marketing strategy should be characterized by (a) a clear market definition; (b) a good match between corporate strengths and the needs of the market; and (c) superior performance, relative to the competition, in the key success factors of the business.

Useful tips to successful marketing in Real Estate

·          Be persistent and patient and no matter what, always be positive and optimistic.

·          Channelize your priority marketing efforts onto existing clients and customers rather than in trying to seek new clientele.

·         Devise and set in place an Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) plan.

·           Devise and refine your Unique Selling Proposition (USP) to help differentiate you brand and your business from the competition.

·       - Have a functional website that will allow you to make effective use of the vastly growing Internet.

·         Devise and institute an assessment program for your marketing activities and campaigns and seek continuous improvement of your marketing program.

·        Devise and implement a customer contact and feedback management system to incorporate Top of Mind Awareness (TOMA) into your marketing program.

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