Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Unpredictable times call for new changes!

Everyone seems to be shouting that the recession is over, but we are by no means out of the woods yet. Looking back on 2008, there is no question that the global credit crisis and associated fall-out including increasing unemployment, exchange rate fluctuations, petrol prices and the general rising cost of living has resulted in tighter household budgets.

In such a tumultuous time economically, boutique business owners can feel under enormous stress. However, the reality is that small businesses can be in an advantageous position due to their ability to change course easily and to duck and wave in unpredictable times.

Taking the necessary time to market your business will ensure that it remains viable in a market when consumer confidence is at an all time low. Marketing ensures your business is visible in the eyes of your target market.

There are many steps you can take right now to market your business, here is a few:

Don’t lose focus.
Focus on your business plan and revisit your business model as often as is required to keep you on track and keep it relevant to what you are trying to achieve. Remember, people still need what you are selling and things will turn around.
Be Positive. Often a small business will abandon a marketing strategy or cut their marketing spend during a downturn. However, businesses that maintain marketing spending during a downturn are often the quickest to recover.

Marketing agencies can manage all fo these small and very important marketing tasks for you at a minimal cost and maximum result.
For more creative ideas and assistance with your business concepts, together with formulation and implementation of your marketing plan, contact us!

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